Central Ontario Intergroup SERVICE BOARD

Mailing address:
Central Ontario Intergroup, Suite #321, 55 Northfield Dr. E., Waterloo, ON. N2K 3T6

Tel. (416) 588-6134     General Inquiries: info@oaontario.org

OA members are cordially invited to attend the monthly Central Ontario Intergroup meeting, held on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM on the Zoom platform. To attend the meeting, please email coicoordinator@oaontario.org for the meeting ID and password.

Board Participation: Elections are held annually at the November Intergroup meeting. Applications are due by the September COI meeting. If your are interested in applying for a Board position please email the chair at chair@oaontario.org for information on Board positions.

Join a Committee:  We have several committees that require your assistance. If you are interested in doing service please email the chair at chair@oaontario.org.

OA Central Ontario Intergroup Service Board:

For general inquiries and concerns, please email:

Vice Chair
Our back up and assistant to the Chair can be reached at:

Recording Secretary
For questions and/or corrections to Intergroup meeting minutes, please email:

To inquire about donations or anything related to Intergroup's treasury, please email: 

World Service Business Conference Delegates

Region 6 Representatives:

COI Coordinator
Distributes information to Intergroup; Updates meeting information and meeting lists; coordinates with committee chairs to distribute information.

For budget, group financing issues, please email:

Meetings: COI Coordinator

Public Information Committee Chair
If your OA Group is interested in running a Public Information seminar or if you are a health professional who would like more information about OA, please email:

Retreat Committee retreat@oaontario.org

Recovery Talks Committee Chair recoverytalks@oaontario.org

Outreach outreach@oaontario.org

Telephone Committee Chair
This service provides information about meetings. If you are interested in volunteering for the this service, or would like more information, please email: telephone@oaontario.org

Website Committee Team
For any website inquiries, comments or suggestions, please email: