About your Central Ontario Intergroup
Each member of Central Ontario Intergroup helps make decisions that affect the OA groups in our Intergroup - and that means YOU! We all need to work together. At Intergroup meetings, important issues pertaining to the Central Ontario Intergroup are discussed. Each individual meeting is encouraged to send a voting representative to attend the monthly Intergroup meetings on behalf of its members. The reason is simple: we want to ensure that we all have some way of participating in the decision-making process. Remember that this is YOUR Intergroup! Your voice and contributions matter.
Although we encourage each group to send a voting representative, all OA members are welcome to attend.
Monthly Intergroup MEETINGS
Intergroup meetings are held virtually on the Zoom platform from 10am to 12pm on the second Saturday of each month. If you wish to attend, please email chair@oaontario.org or coordinator@oaontario.org for the meeting invitation and password. Click here for additional contact information.
Central Ontario Intergroup Bylaws and Documents
Central Ontario Intergroup is run by its trusted servants, and we adhere to bylaws voted on by the members. Here is a copy of our bylaws, and other documents related to the operation of Central Ontario Intergroup
Central Ontario Intergroup Bylaws Document (updated June 2021)
Group Handbook
Looking for help to understand how a meeting should go, what service positions you need. World Service produced a Group Handbook just for this purpose, guiding you through everything from starting a meeting to how to have a group conscience meeting along with service above the group.
Click here Group Handbook to get your copy.